VANITY FAIR: A Devastating Documentary Lands at Telluride
By Rebecca Ford
Documentaries at Telluride often investigate some of the more pressing issues facing our nation and the world today. Zurawski v Texas does exactly that by chronicling one of the first court cases to fight Texas' anti-abortion laws, but makes it personal, told through the brave women who share their stories of loss and heartache.
Directed by Maisie Crow and Abbie Perrault and with executive producers that include Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, and Jennifer Lawrence, the film follows attorney Molly Duane as she helps these brave women to fight the laws that endangered their lives and forced them to make impossible decisions after their pregnancies were deemed nonviable. “Policies and war, they can just seem such faraway issues that will never happen to us. And that’s why films like this can be so impactful—to show the actual lives that are affected,” says Lawrence. “Not just how easily it could happen to you or someone you love, but to be a true witness to what happens when you’re not just failed by your government, but condemned by it.”